About us 東紀繊維について
Since we became established in 1984, TOKI SEN-I has produced knitted fabric and cut-and-sewn clothing with a view to provide the highest quality and comfortable textile and clothes. Our mill is located in KISHU area, in the beautiful Wakayama prefecture. The mill houses our TSURI knitting machines which were made over 100 years ago in Europe. Our comfortable fabric is highly praised from inside and outside the country as the one and only. We endeavour to make pleasant fabrics with considering to make yarn, maintenance and succession of craftsmanship and to keep environmentally conscious activities.
Our Policy ポリシー

The policy of TOKI SEN-I is “In Harmony With Nature”.
We continue to develop fabrics in an eco-friendly manner. With consideration for the ecosystem and reducing our dependence on fossil fuels.
Our production 製品

The fabrics we produce with the TSURI knitting machines are knitted slowly, gently and filled it with fresh air. It needs a longer time for knitting than ordinary circular knitting machines however as a result there will be no needless tension applied to the yarn. You may notice our fabric becomes more comfortable each time you wash it. That is a special feature of the fabric with the TSURI knitting machine.
Our Works 事業

Fabric meeting 企画会議
Producing fabric starts from having fabric meeting. We discuss about all of the materials, yarn, knitting, dyeing and processing with all our workers and make over 350 prototypes per year. TOKI SEN-I handles every step throughout producing the fabric. Our tireless efforts are dedicated to providing knitted fabrics of the very best quality.
Original machine development オリジナル機械開発
In order to focus on our continuous innovation for unique fabric, TOKI SEN-I also develops knitting machines. By combining the developments of materials and textiles, we can make a very pleasant texture and unique patterns and designs.
Furthermore, we have been adopted for Strengthening of Business Fundamental and Innovation, which is national support of Japanese government three times in these several years.
Original yarn development クズ(葛)を使用した繊維の開発
TOKI SEN-I and a professor of Kyoto Institute of Technology University considered that kudzu can become one of the materials of the natural fabric. We successfully developed the 100% fibre of Kudzu and have a patent. We’re continuing new challenges and paving the way for expansion of natural fibre.

Textile Exhibition 海外「テキスタイル展示会」出展
We have showcased our products at the textile exhibitions in Paris and Milan since 2005. We display our fabrics at the show and have garnered support from multiple high-end fashion brands.
Sustainability サステナビリティ

In order to make eco-friendly fabric, TOKI SEN-I has continued various efforts.
Organic cotton オーガニックコットン
TOKI SEN-I has developed fabric made from organic cotton early on before most environmental consideration. Now we aim to be truly sustainable. We produce not only 100% organic cotton but also blended organic cotton constantly. As a result, we will be able to produce various fabrics with our organic cotton.
* Office in Milan is not applicable for the OCS certification.
* ミラノオフィスはOCS取得対象外
We are certified to the OCS, which verifies organically grown content and tracks it from the source to the final product.
Recycle/Reuse リサイクル・リユース
To be truly friendly with environment is exactly what TOKI SEN-I is aiming at. That’s why we use “fallen cotton”, which occurs when the yarn was spun, and recarded* cotton. We are trying to keep carbon emissions low throughout our fabric making process. The textile which made from these cotton or yarn is very unique and different from ordinary one. It is pleasing to the touch.recarded・・・ to return to raw cotton from old clothing such as secondhanded, or cutting wastage with a carding machine
Burkina Faso ブルキナファソへの取り組み
This project is to help them develop their industries by increasing purchase of cotton. Also, a portion of the sales of the yarn will be used to support their medical field, education and so on though the Japan Burkina Faso Friendship Association (JBFA).
Future endeavour 今後の取り組み
[Reduce dependence on fossil fuels] Following our policy “In Harmony With Nature”, we are planning to install solar power to our mill.